How to burn a thousand calories a day

Calorie diet :

Heavy weights tend to look to diets to work to reduce their weight so that they can exercise their normal lives, some of whom have begun to weigh their health, the nature of their life, in appearance and outward appearance, until they become the only food diets. It depends on reducing the number of calories a person consumes from his food, burning them with certain activities to help lose weight, and before going into the subject of calorie restriction, we first have to make the reader aware of the calorie Heat And of how to acquire and burn them and their importance and everything about them.

Calories concept :

Calorie, or so-called "calorie" means the unit of measurement of thermal energy in the human body, which is the amount of energy needed by the human body to carry out its daily activities normally, by burning the body's energy from the food consumed by humans and thus supply the body by force And ability to move, food and oxygen are considered the first and most important sources.

Gain calories : 

The energy ratios and the amount of food produced by each other vary depending on the three essential elements of any food: fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which are produced at a different rate from one food to another. Nutritionists pointed to the proportions of people's food to be healthy, That the food contains 15% fat, 35% protein, 50% carbohydrate, in addition to vitamins, and the need of the body to energy between the body and the other, and depends primarily on the extent and level of activity of the person, and do not lose sight of the age, To energy to help with construction Growth and metabolism and others, while the young people understand the great need energy so that they can accomplish their daily activity properly.

The relationship of calories to weight :

If you count the number of calories in your diet properly or reduce them, it may reduce the weight in addition to exerting physical effort may not be severe, while increasing food high-calorie may lead to obesity, especially in the presence of lack of movement and inactivity, so the specialists Nutrition to a balanced calorie diet, everything properly calculated to help their patients lose weight, and those who suffer from extreme thinness may have to increase the number of calories to work on gaining weight.

Burn calories :

People begin to look for ways to burn calories, so they lose their troublesome weight. They are primarily related to the activities that people exercise every day. In order to lose weight, you should increase your activity and see activities that help you:

  • Home Based Business: Home-based work by a woman / housewife helps to burn calories. The more calories you drive, the more calories you will burn. 

  • Minimize salad seasoning: Keep away from everything that helps obesity. Do not add fried bread, oil, sauces and other additives that most families add to their salad dish, as it is a great source of calories. 

  • Keep away from the nuts and the curried cream: Nuts are a rich source of fat, as avoiding you to eat nuts will earn you 500 calories, and the cream of the beaten contain a large number of calories at the time you prepare a snack, as is also the chips.  
 Wrong ways to burn calories :
  • Eat only one meal during the day. The fault is primarily at this point, where many people are located, that when you do not eat other meals and your concentration on one meal it is normal that you may get more hungry and eat more Meals, and the other side of the error, the survival of the stomach empty of food for a long time will not lead to weight loss, but will lead to slow process of burning calories in the body, because of the loss of the body to supply the necessary calories.
  • Avoid caffeine: Some believe that when you avoid caffeine-containing beverages such as coffee and tea, it is better, but on the contrary, caffeine helps the nervous system to activity and thus increase the process of burning calories.
  • Eating too much carbohydrate: Carbohydrates are primarily concentrated in white bread and pasta, where they give large amounts of calories and few fiber, which leads to weight gain, in addition to bad feeling of fullness, so replace the white bread with brown bread (bread flour flour), with Take care to eat fruits and vegetables rich in fiber.
  • Drink lukewarm water: It is wrong to drink water lukewarm, as drinking 6 cups of cold water a day helps lose 50 calories a day.
  • Protein loss of meals: Essential meals should contain protein, as it is important and essential in building the muscles of the body, thus increasing the rate of burning calories.

Loss of calories

To lose more calories per day, follow these steps:
  • Be sure to eat breakfast, as it helps to burn fat, and helps to feel full.
  • Avoid harsh and quick weight loss, just reduce the amount you eat.
  • March walking for 30 minutes, it helps to burn calories and improve digestion.
  • Replace the Chips bags with a green salad or fruit cut, which will help you prepare 300 calories.
  • Drink plenty of water (1 - liters per day). Use the stairs instead of the elevators.

Incineration exercises for calories :

  • Walking: Walking helps the body burn calories, and focus on fat burning in particular, helping to burn fat by 50% of burned calories during exercise.
  • Aerobics: Aerobics exercises like walking or jogging help burn calories and fat, thus losing weight if you keep it.
Calculation of the necessary amount of calories :

To calculate the number of calories your body needs daily, follow (your weight * 1 * 24), as 1 = calories, 24 hours a day.Example: A man weighing 70 kg, what he needs of calories is: 70 * 1 * 24 = 1680 calories.A woman weighing 60 kg, you need calories: 60 * 1 * 24 = 1440 caloriesIf you are aware of a calorie-based diet, for example, the man in the previous example who mentioned that he needs 1680 calories should lower his calorie intake and increase his physical activity so he can burn more calories , Thus losing weight.Clear equation in the world of dietary diets in calories: gained calories> burned calories = increased calories gained calories = burned calories = maintaining weight without increasing or decreasing calories gained <calories burned = weight loss.

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